A member of our C-level team would like to send a group of people an email from within our business email account with a link to a docusign document and also an attachment that is for information only. Is there a way to do that? The document we’re sending for signature requires some explanation, and the sender prefers that the document come from his email address.
Thanks for your help. I’ve been searching the community postings but haven’t seen anything particular on this topic.
Can you send a link to a docusign document?

Best answer by Joette Unks
A member of our C-level team would like to send a group of people an email from within our business email account with a link to a docusign document and also an attachment that is for information only. Is there a way to do that? The document we’re sending for signature requires some explanation, and the sender prefers that the document come from his email address.
Thanks for your help. I’ve been searching the community postings but haven’t seen anything particular on this topic.
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