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Hope can add timezone of the opening hours for QES with IDNow

Related products:eSignature

Hengfeng Ge
Rising Star


I try do a QES sign and got this warnning:

You are currently calling outside our opening hours.

You can perform your identification at the following times. An appointment is not required.

Our opening hours:

Daily : 8:00 to 24:00


To continue with your identification at a later time, please copy the following link and try again during our opening hours.



I got the opening hours :

They are located in Europe, in Germany.

Their hours of operation are: 

•DE & EN calls: 8am-midnight CET 7 days a week

•FR calls: 8am-9pm MON-SAT

•QES with wallet authentication is available 24/7 Peak hours: 9 - 11 and 14-18. Try to avoid those hours to get an agent.


please add timezone of the opening hours in this page. so the end user can convert to their timezon. Thanks.

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