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When setting up templates with custom fields allow for expansion/reduction of the space to allow for custom text merges and edit bulk send items before final send

Related products:eSignature
  • newtoclm
  • mshealy
  • Chak

We have found that the templates in e-signature, custom merge fields do not act as text fields as far as formatting and spacing.  You have to guess on how much space you will need to accommodate the longest known delimiter.  So if you are merging a client’s firm name into a sentence as a custom field and the first client is “AD Bank” and the second client is “John Jacob Jingleheimer-Schmitt Broker Dealers Incorporated” you would have to format the spacing in your template to accommodate the second name which would leave a ton of space for AD Bank’s document.  

If you format for less than the space on the longest name, then the longer name overprints on the text of the file.  

The merge fields should act as text as far as the template documents are concerned, either expanding or shrinking to fit the text and allowing the existing text on the page to move along with the merged text.  

This has caused issues with bulk sends where we sent out thousands of documents with multiple merge fields that varied in size.  

It looks very unprofessional and is not transparent when using the bulk send feature.  There should be a way to review the bulk send items before they are sent to accommodate these types of errors if not.  


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