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I am trying to send a document to 5 recepients for signatures but only 2 of them receive it.

The email adresses are correct and we didn't have any problems in the past. What should I do?

Hello, @MKAT 


You are welcome to the Docusign Community!


Are you using a Signing Order in the envelope sent? If so, a recipient will receive an email notification when it’s his/her turn to sign. But if you aren’t using a signing order, ask to the recipients not receiving the email to check their SPAM folders, perhaps the emails are there.

Another possibility: those recipients not receiving the notification email to sign are using a software that blocks some emails’ domains and wrongly our and domains are being blocked. If this is the case, they need to ask for their IT team unblock our domains. 


I hope that helps.




Thank you very much  for your reply @Alexandre.Augusto

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Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
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