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For example, we currently have Signer A, then recipient who receives a copy, then Signer B. After Signer A signs the document, recipient who receives a copy will get an email notification that Signer A has signed along with a link to view the document in DocuSign, but will not receive a copy of the document as an attachment in that email notification. Recipient who receives a copy will only get a copy of the document as an attachment in an email notification after both Signer A and Signer B signs. We would like for recipient who receives a copy to get a copy of the document as an attachment in all of the email notifications they receive during the signing process and not just at the end after everyone has signed. Thank you.


To ensure that the recipient who receives a copy of the document between signers also gets the document as an attachment in every email notification during the signing process, you can follow these steps:

  1. Enable "Attach Documents to Completed Envelope" Setting:

    • This feature allows DocuSign to attach the completed documents to the email notifications sent after each recipient completes their signing process. However, by default, this setting applies only to the final email after all signers have completed their actions.
    • You can configure this setting by going to the DocuSign Admin console:
      1. Navigate to Settings.
      2. Under Signing and Sending, find and enable the Attach Documents to Completed Envelope setting.
  2. Adjusting the Workflow:

    • Currently, DocuSign does not support attaching documents to all email notifications sent during the signing process, as the "Attach Documents to Completed Envelope" only applies after all signers have completed the signing process. However, there is a workaround that may meet your needs:
      • Add the recipient as a Carbon Copy (CC) at each signing step: By adding the recipient to receive a copy after each signer in the workflow, they will receive email notifications with the document attached after each step is completed.
        • Example: Add the recipient as a CC after Signer A and again after Signer B. This way, they would receive two notifications—one after each signer completes their action.

Thank you John!
