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Viewing Sent Envelopes as an Administrator


I have envelopes created through an integration with a legal management system that have the status "sent." With an administrator profile, can I view these envelopes or see who sent them? In the exported report, "multiples" appears.

Best answer by Vinicius.Rodrigues

Hi ​@Daniel Filho !

Regarding the report showing "multiple", this happens when the selected report shows the individual data of each envelopeID per line (like the Envelope Report). If you want a view of each recipient for each envelope in a different line, try using the Envelope Recipient Report.

In parallel, I’d like to suggest something simpler to check the envelopes. If you’re using an integration, normally all the envelopes are centralized in/sent by just one user, so you can use Share Access to access the sent box of this API user, and checl/take actions directly through the Agreements tab.

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Docusign Employee

Hi ​@Daniel Filho !

Regarding the report showing "multiple", this happens when the selected report shows the individual data of each envelopeID per line (like the Envelope Report). If you want a view of each recipient for each envelope in a different line, try using the Envelope Recipient Report.

In parallel, I’d like to suggest something simpler to check the envelopes. If you’re using an integration, normally all the envelopes are centralized in/sent by just one user, so you can use Share Access to access the sent box of this API user, and checl/take actions directly through the Agreements tab.


Thank you very much for your response, Vinicius.
Regarding the reports, I was able to view them using the Envelope Recipient Report.

I will still test using the "Shared Access" function to view them.

Thanks again!

Docusign Employee
Daniel Filho wrote:

Thank you very much for your response, Vinicius.
Regarding the reports, I was able to view them using the Envelope Recipient Report.

I will still test using the "Shared Access" function to view them.

Thanks again!

Hi ​@Daniel Filho !

Perfect, I'm glad you were able to resolve this situation! If there's anything else we can help with, let us know, otherwise you could mark my previous answer as "best answer", so the topic will be completed. Thanks!
