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Termination of a completed envelope

  • April 18, 2024
  • 2 replies


is there a way to recall/void/terminate an envelope which already has been completed its execution by all the required parties?

I’ve been informed that the counterparty mistakenly provided unauthorized signee info that circulated its new request with proper signee, and would like to terminate the executed one if it is possible.


2 replies

Docusign Employee

Hello, @Hukjin Won 


Welcome to the Docusign Community!


After an envelope be Completed you cannot recall/avoid it.


Thinking in legal terms, you can copy that completed envelope,  a new envelope with the contents and recipients will be opened. You can place the fields again to the right recipients at this time and include in the signed document a Text information saying something like: This contract has been adjust to include a recipient to sign it…. It’s only an idea, someone from Legal may provide to you a legal term for updated signed contracts.  On this way you’ll have two envelopes, the original one with the wrong signer and another one with the right signer for the same document.


An envelope will stay in your account for good. You can delete an envelope and after 14 days it will be purged from the system then you’ll never see it again. But, the signers who received a copy of the contract will remains with their documents copy (.PDF files attached to the end of the completion notification email).

I suggest to keep the envelopes even when there is something wrong with them like a wrong signer or other reasons.


I hope that helps!



Hi @Hukjin Won,


I hope you are doing well.


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Best regards,   

Alejandro R. | Docusign Community Moderator   

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