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I want to add a tag for today’s date when the document is generated which may not necessarily be the signature date. Is there a tag for this?


You can add a text field and add the today’s date manually.

Hello, @CarolynHoskins 


Welcome to the Docusign Community!


I’d like to give you a suggestion:

  1. You want to put a today’s date field indicating that’s the date of the document was generated, I assume you’re saying the date of the document was uploaded to the envelope to be sent.
  2. As a Sender, after add the document, and recipients, you can add in the document a tag from the Pre-Fill tools.
  3. Add a pre-fill Text tag
  4. Type the today’s date, of course you need to pay attention to type the correct date.
    (the only field with current date is the Signed Date field, so this would be a workaround)
  5. This tag cannot be changed by the recipients, so when they access the envelope, that date will be seen by them. 

See the figure.


I hope that helps!


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How can I add TODAY’s date to the email subject or the body of the envelope, not on the document itself? 

Any ideas please? 




Hello @Krasi ,

Welcome to the Docusign Community and thank you for posting your concerns!

I understand you would like to add today’s date to the email subject or body. 

Thank would have to be inputted manually when creating or editing an envelope: Add Messages

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
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