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Sending a document to a Signing Group of 5 people which anyone of the 5 people can sign, is that considered as 5 envelopes cost or just 1 envelope cost?

@Angeline CHEANG

This will be a single envelope, regardless if you use one or many signing groups or multiple recipients in DocuSign eSignature. Think of the envelope being the transaction and it counts only once for all the documents you added and all the recipients, because you click on “Send” only once. This does not apply to BulkSend, where every line item will create a unique envelope.

Thanks for the response in confirming that the 1 signature required from anyone in a signing group counts as 1 envelope usage. E.g., a delivery note to be acknowledged by anyone in the receiving logistics team. 

However, you have me confused with another scenario where a board resolution is sent to 8 board members for their signatures. All eight signatures must be secured. I was told that this would burn 8 envelopes usage as an envelope can have only 1 recipient address.

Could you point me to a published DocuSign link for clarity on the different business use cases such as the above please? 


@Angeline CHEANG

Not sure, where you got the information on it burning 8 envelope usages. You can add up to 100 signers into a single envelope and it will only count as one envelope sent. There are other features that are counted on a recipient base, e.g. ID Verification. In this case you would use 1 envelope and 8 ID Verifications, regardless if there is one or multiple documents.

You can find additional information on the definition of an envelope here.

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