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Sending to multiple EXTERNAL people, but only one needs to sign to proceed


I would like to send a document to two different people, either one of which can sign.  As far as I can tell, the Signing Groups feature will not work for this because the signers are not internal signers - they are clients.  It seems Singing Groups is only for internal signers.  I tried to set up a Signing Group (I am an administrator), but the only people it allowed me to add were internal people.  Is this correct or did I do something wrong?  



Docusign Employee

Good News,

You absolutely CAN add external parties into your signing group. 

  1. To add a signing group member who is not part of your account:
    1. Go to Admin>Signing Groups>Select Add User Manually (This button is the key step)
    2. Complete the Name and Email fields.
    3. Select Add to add the member to the group's Selected list.

Hope this helps!


Hello ​@Teri.Maier 

I hope you are doing well. 

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Otherwise, let me know and I will gladly help you address the situation as soon as possible.

Best regards,
Marco Paulo | Docusign Community Moderator
