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Sending an envelope to sign and view simultaneously to different people

  • Newcomer
  • 1 reply

Can an envelope be sent to one person for signature while simultaneously being sent to another person for viewing? For example, is it possible for someone to view the document at the same time the signer receives the request to sign?

3 replies

  • Digital Collaborator
  • 143 replies
  • January 30, 2025


Yes -  you can set the signing order and make each recipient the same number. I think this is also true if no signing order is set, that all notifications are sent at the same time, but I’m not certain of that.


(I need to use the signing order to make sure that the 1st signer gets the document, then all subsequent signers are notified at the same time.)


good luck


  • Docusign Employee
  • 5 replies
  • January 30, 2025

Hi ​@SDR - I am just confirming for you that you can, indeed, send your document to multiple recipients simultaneously, allowing them both to access the document at the same time. You can do this in the Add Recipients section of your envelope in two different ways:

  1. Leave the “Set signing order” checkbox unchecked - this results in all recipients receiving the envelope at the same time and allows each to open the document simultaneously or whenever convenient
  2. Or, enable the checkbox for “Set signing order,” and for the recipients you want to have access at the same time, simply set their signing order number to the same number as one another. For example, if you want a Recipient A to sign before routing to recipients B and C simultaneously, you would set Recipient A as #1 in the signing order, and set Recipients B and C both as #2 in the signing order.

You can confirm the routing order when the “Set signing order” checkbox is enabled by clicking “View.” This will show you a routing map based on the order you set. If you do not set a signing order, there will be no viewable routing map since all of your recipients will simply receive the envelope at the same time.


I hope this is helpful!

  • Author
  • Newcomer
  • 1 reply
  • January 30, 2025

Thank you so much!