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I used to have my email address saved on the log in page, but now I have to type it in every time and it’s a long email address. My password is saved. Is there a way to have DocuSign save my email address?


Yes, DocuSign does have a feature to save your email address. However, this feature is more related to the contacts you interact with when sending documents rather than the login page.

If your email address used to be saved on the login page and it’s not anymore, it might be due to your browser settings. Browsers usually have an autofill feature that saves and suggests information like email addresses and passwords. If this feature is turned off or if the saved information was cleared, you would have to manually enter your email address each time.

Here are general steps to check your browser’s autofill settings:

Google Chrome: Go to Settings > Autofill > Passwords and Addresses and more. Make sure the autofill feature is turned on.
Firefox: Go to Options > Privacy & Security > Logins and Passwords. Check the box that says Autofill logins and passwords.
Safari: Go to Preferences > Autofill. Check the box for Usernames and passwords.

Please note that these steps might vary slightly depending on your browser version. If you’re using a different browser, please check its specific instructions for managing autofill settings.



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