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Hello. All of a sudden when I try to download completed signed documents out of docusign- I am unable to download and save them to my desktop as it says “needs permission to download”. Please help! How do I fix this!

@Tanya P. I am curious where this error appears or pops up?  I cannot recall any settings or restrictions that can be set in DocuSign to limit the downloads from an envelope.  However there could be settings or Group Policies at a Company level that could restrict downloads through the Browser that is being used, possibly to reduce the introduction of viruses and the like. Please provide any additional information on where you see this message appear, whether this message changes based on the browser being used, perhaps a screenshot if possible.

It pops up on my browser. It doesn’t happen on all documents. Just randomly.

@Tanya P.  What is the browser type you are using? Chrome, Edge, other?

Could be related to flle size or perhaps file type….I would see with each file that you download if there is something in common to the file when this message appears such as if the file was a .ZIP extension. There are alot of articles on that error for a variety of browsers.  Does anyone else experience the same issue? This could also be something set by your corporate office if you check with your IT team, perhaps they have an idea of a change that might have occurred that created these new issues.

Hello @Tanya P. ,

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Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator
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Did you figure it out? I have an agent who is having the same issue. 

Good morning. I never did. Ended up getting a new computer.
