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We are sending multiple documents in an envelope, each of which require approval signatures.  If a signer declines to sign one document, but approves the other ones, does that cancel the entire envelope?   

Short answer is yes.  An Envelope can be a bundle of documents, so you are essentially declining the "Bundle" when you cancel the document.

I would be interested to know if there is an option to change this setting at all.  So, in other words if you are sending unrelated documents in an envelope, the signer is  given the option to sign some & decline others without declining the entire envelope?

​do you change this setting at all now? If we have several documents within an envelope we can sign some and decline other without declining the entire envelope?

i need solution to send multiple documents in one envelop and the recipients can select which to sign and which to decline ????????


I do have a solution for you that I have implemented before for this kind of process.

What you do is have a dropdown option to use ACCEPT / DECLINE and then if they select Accept then a signature is required and if the select Decline then a large DECLINED Text box is printed on the page.

It is not the best solution but it does work and does need a bit of setup work to apply.


Thank you for prompt reply When I select decline All envelop are declined and canceled In this case I have 10 documents in same envelope need to sign 7 and decline 3 Can you give me please more details Thank you


So yes you are correct the Decline option is for the whole envelope not a document. So what you need to avoid is the whole Decline process. There are some options that are possible in that you can remove the decline option but you need to be on Business Pro with Advanced Branding or Enterprise Edition to disable the Decline to sign.

The workaround involves the following steps.

I would create 2 Custom Fields. A Dropdown that has 2 options and a Text Field.

Dropdown with options APPROVE / DECLINE

Text field with Wording for Declined (Large Font in Red)

So you can place the dropdown on the page and then add the signature and the declined field.

Now click on the dropdown and select the Conditional box on the right hand side.

At top click on the APPROVE from dropdown and then click on the Signature block

Click on Conditional field and Create New

Repeat process for DECLINE but select the text box for the Declined wording.

It takes a bit of work to set up so a template would help with this that you would apply to each document.



Thanks but i tried your solution but still confused as

i created 3 sheets each sheet have its own dropdown field and sign field and decline text field but when apply it to one sheets it forced me to implement this action for all other sheets.

please advice about this case?


As I said it is a complicated workaround and does take a bit of setting up.

I did notice that if you use template and copy and paste you will need to change the data labels which in itself means you need to also update the conditional logic steps.


Hi again, Thank you for your quick respond I create only to custom field as mentioned one dropdown the other is text. Add these fields one by one in each sheet don’t take copy and paste . And added the two rules to the dropdown field sheet by sheet then I have 3 sheets with 3 dropdown boxes and 6 conditional logical rules . and still not working Other ask I identify two different signatures for me First one is (my name) Second signature is (declined ) but also can’t sign some documents using the first signature and other using second signature Thank you, Nesma Saad
