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If I use the RESEND option, is the document resend only to the ones who did not signed yet ?


Thank you for reaching out to the DocuSign Community.

Resending an envelope sends another copy of the original email notification to all signers whose turn it is to sign and who have yet to finish signing. 

If you want to selectively remind a single recipient, you can use the Correct feature to add or edit the message to all recipients. When you modify the Private Message for a recipient, an email notification is issued to that person, with the new Private Message text and a new link to the envelope. 

You can correct the details of envelopes that are in-process, that you sent or someone shared with you.

Here are some resources you might find useful:

Resend Envelopes

To resend an envelope to just one recipient

Correct Envelopes 

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Thank you for using DocuSign, we hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!

Best regards,

Rebeca | DocuSign Community Moderator

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