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How to verify signatures


Im part of one project that has a document that has been signed multiple times. Time between signatures have been many months. 

Document certificate shows only last date when document is officially signed.

But there is markings that have been made by pdf editor, possibly before signing. Those markings are dates that would normally be signing date. But I know that those are false dates. 

I have signing id and docusign envelope id. Can I check all signatures for that document even Im not the owner of the document?



3 replies

Valued Contributor
  • Valued Contributor
  • 960 replies
  • May 27, 2024

@Teppis - If you have the signing ID and the DocuSign envelope ID, you might be able to check the history of the signatures on that document, depending on your permissions and access within the DocuSign account.   Within the DocuSign account, you should be able to search by envelope ID.   Please note that you can only search for envelope ID’s envelopes that were originated by that that DocuSign account.    Once you locate the envelope, the Certificate of Completion should be available for download. This certificate includes a summary of all actions related to the envelope, including all signing events. It might also provide more detailed information about the signing process.

Please note:

  • If you are unable to access the information yourself, you might need to contact the document owner. The document owner has full access to the envelope details and can provide the necessary information.
  • Alternatively, you can reach out to DocuSign Support with the envelope ID and signing ID to request assistance. Explain your situation and what specific information you need to verify.

  • Author
  • Newcomer
  • 1 reply
  • May 28, 2024

Thank you for reply, 


Problem is that I currently don’t trust owner of the document and I that’s the reason I need to check origins. 

And because Im not the owner of document I cannot search it by my self. 


And I havent found DocuSign support email where could I ask help for this matter.



  • Community Moderator
  • 2554 replies
  • June 11, 2024

Hello @Teppis ,

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Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
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