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Dear all, 

I have 5 departments (5 different groups) managed under the same account. 

All the senders from the same group shared their envelopes between themselves. 

Is it possible for the Department Managers to have a view on all the envelopes sent from the same sender’s group instead of per sender ?

Thank you 




At this point in time DocuSign only supports shared access based on an individual basis and not on groups.

The following DocuSign Support Article has more details:

You may want to set up a shared mailbox for an department as an additional user account and leverage the custody transfer functionality to transfer ownership to that user. Then set up shared access with the Department Manager, who then will be able to see all envelope within that shared account instead of having to switch between the different DocuSign users of his department.

The following DocuSign Support Article may be useful:

Hello @Oli.M ,

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Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator
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