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How to Allow only one recipient to edit the collaborative fields


Hey, I was creating a contract with collaborative fields, so recipients can edit fields if they wanted. But I noticed that by setting a text field as "collaborative filed" all recipients will be allowed to edit that field. Is it possible to pick recipients allowed to collaborate on that field?

Best answer by Community Expert

It is not possible to pick recipients.  A collaborative field is open to all signers.

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It is not possible to pick recipients.  A collaborative field is open to all signers.


Hi, I am trying to do the same. Is there any alternative to get the same result? Want to have a contract created by one person, sent to a supervisor who has the option of making changes, but once approved, goes to other signers who can not change these fields...


Any update on this? Docusign I would find this option useful as well. It'd be great to have 2 out of the 5 signers only be able to collaborate in the field on a document.


Hi, I worked out my own way, but is a little fiddly and may not work for everyone's setup. I didn't use collaborative fields due to the shortcomings as detailed above. Instead just allocate a field to a certain signer and duplicate that persons email address multiple times in the signing order page.

  • You make the people you want to be able to edit the field all the same email address address in the signing order page (names can be different)
  • You will have to setup a rule in outlook (or manually forward the email received) to person 2/3. I do this by having a specific subject line in the signing order page
  • Once this is setup the 2nd/3rd etc. is able to use the MARKUP field to edit fields. If any changes are made then initials will be created by DocuSign for everyone to initial.

This worked for me as everyone I Want to be able to sign is in the same organization so I can setup the rules.I use it as a Person 1 creates a form and then Person 2 checks the form and if Person 1 makes a mistake then Person 2 can fix that mistake without having to redo the form.

Hope that makes sense. Works well for me.


I too would love to see DocuSign come up with a solution to this.
