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I have signed a document , but cannot find at what exact time the othert party has signed his part. How can i know?



To find the exact time when the other party signed their part of the DocuSign envelope, you can follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Completed Envelopes: Go to the "Agreements" tab) and select "Completed" to view the list of completed envelopes.

  2. Open the Envelope: Find the envelope you are interested in and click on it to open it.

  3. View the Certificate of Completion: Once the envelope is open, look for the "Certificate of Completion" or "Envelope History." This document provides a detailed audit trail of all activities related to the envelope, including the exact times when each signer completed their part of the signing process.

In the Certificate of Completion, you will see timestamps for each action taken, including when the envelope was created, when it was sent, when each recipient viewed it, and when they signed it.
