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Duplicate Initials Field on all pages when preparing the document before sending envelop

  • 23 March 2024
  • 2 replies

He Dear community users,

Reaching out to find support - I have a 3000 pages document to be initialized on all pages. How do I automatically add the Initials Field on all pages?

Thanks for your help


Hello, @Cathy 


Welcome to the DocuSign Community!


One of the ways to do that is using the AutoPlace feature. In general, a 3000 pages document has a footer, using Microsoft Word you can edit the footer then put a phrase or a mix of letters like this: /InitialsHere/

Now, that word will show up in all pages in the footer. See this video to understand how to do it.

Create an envelope, add the recipients, add the field Initials for the first recipiente, with this field selected you will see on the right a panel with properties, find Location, click on it then configure. A pop-up window will appear asking for a work or phrase to auto place the field, type exaclty what you have in the footer:  /InitialsHere/

The field will be automatically pasted in all locations where there is  /InitialsHere/ 

You can repositing them where you prefer.

Do the same thing for the other recipients’ initials.


Another way is creating a Template based in your 3000 pages document, but I’ll not give details here, if you would like to know more then I can send a link for a free DocuSign University free training.


I hope that solves your question.



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