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I am trying to use the Bulk Send feature but when I download the sample CSV and input all the info in, I am still getting this error message: "The legacy version of bulk send is retired. Switch to the new enhanced version of bulk send".  


Thank you for reaching out to the DocuSign Community.

The original Bulk Send v1 (the original single recipient version) was deprecated back on February 28, 2022. The end of support date for this feature was August 30, 2021.

Bulk Send v2 for Multiple Recipients has been available for several years and will become the sole Bulk Send version available.

If you had a template under the v1 you will need to convert it. To do so you will need to:

1. Edit the template and add a new recipient, you will need to give this new recipient a role name, this is a temporary term to describe the responsibility of the person who will eventually fulfill this responsibility on your document.

2. After the recipient has been added you will need to go to the tagging screen and select all the fields associated with the bulk recipient and change the recipient on the properties panel on the right from the Bulk recipient to the newly added recipient. 

If the Bulk Recipient is the only recipient on the template, press CTRL + A to select all of the assigned fields.

3. After the fields have been reassigned, you will need to go back and delete the Bulk recipient from your template. 

4. Save the template and start using it. 

Here are some resources that you might find useful:

How to Transition to Bulk Send v2   

How to Convert a Template with a Saved Bulk Recipient to Use the New Bulk Send 

Bulk Send for Multiple Recipients 

If you believe that you need further assistance, or require the assistance of a live agent, you can always create a Support Case to have a Support agent work with you.

If you are not able to open a  Customer Support case via the above link, you can scroll  down to More Support Options and select "I can't reset my password or don't have an account." you will have the option of filling out the form or calling Support.

Please click "Select as Best" below if you found the answer to be a valid solution to your issue. 

Thank you for using DocuSign, we hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!

Best regards,

Rebeca | DocuSign Community Moderator

I created this document on 9/15/2022 so shouldn't it be already attached to Bulk Send v2 since v1 was already out when created?


For a template and the Bulk send to be under the v2 for Multiple Recipients you need to ensure you followed the appropriate guides.

Here is a guide on how to use Bulk Send for Multiple Recipients,  

For information on how to create a template check the article: To create a template

If after following the previous guides the issue persists, you might want to look into creating a Support case and request a callback, so an agent can schedule a zoom meeting with you to go over the issue and check your CSV.

You might find the following information useful:

Bulk send from a template

Bulk Send Checklist

Bulk Send Best Practices

Generate a customized CSV file for the bulk recipient list

 Thank you for using DocuSign, we hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!

Best regards,

Rebeca | DocuSign Community Moderator

Please click "Select as Best" below if you found the answer to be a valid solution to your issue. 
