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got sent a docu sign envelope to sign and then went into download the amended document . Upon seeing the signing order geo location has disclosed 2 recipients physical home addresses!! There is no notification to switch off geo location and now one major recipient of a large companies' personal home address has been disclosed to all senders. in the blue link it takes you to the longitude and latitude of their personal home address. this is a major breach of security and your system needs to be fixed !! Also my daughter was at a private address when signing and that was also disclosed. why does a geo location have to be activated when it should be switched off by default. this is not my fault nor the other recipients fault. obviously your site is not transparent enough for a major pop up to come up on any device and say "do you want geo location switched on !! ???" ... geo location is not even necessary at all to sign any documents so why is this feature included and switched on by default. I am lodging a formal complaint about your app that is using our sensitive information and locations. see screen shot everyone !!! This is BS welcome to technology where all your details are disclosed by default!!! This app needs to be boycotted!!

Here is the only help you get with 2 links not making any fuss about having your home address disclosed ! this is how seriously this company cares about the people that are made to use this app!! Some recipients do not have a choice in the Real Estate industry!! This has to be a joke !!

docu sign geo location 1

Docu sign have also blocked anyone posting on their facebook page as well and have disabled community !! this is what happens when you create a post on their page they have hidden all the complaints!! I had a screens shot there of the problem and they have hidden it imagedeliberately !


this doesn't cut it have a look how involved this is!! I have escalated this to management this app needs to be a lot easier than this to turn off geo location! at any rate the damage has been done and I had no choice in signing this docu sign as its a lease!! and here is your solution !! OMG !! This has to be a joke and your company is dealing with extremely sensitive information !! In the light of medi bank hack and other huge coporation hacks you need to fix this PRONTO or you will have many court cases against your app with negligence!!


If removing this feature is absolutely necessary, you can change the setting in the Branding Signing Resource File. If your account does not have access to Branding Resource Files, visit Get Support and open a Support Case to request the feature.

  1. As a DocuSign Administrator, navigate to Settings from top banner across the main DocuSign page.
  1.       Select ACCOUNT > Branding.
  2. Select the brand you wish to modify. If you do not have a brand, create one by selecting ADD BRAND or UPLOAD BRAND.
  3. Beneath Advanced Configurations at the bottom of the page, select Resource Files.
  4. Download either the Signing master file or your edited Signing Resource File.
  5. Edit the file in an XML editing tool (e.g., Notepad ++).
  6. Set the DocuSign_DisableLocationAwareness node to true (disabled).
  7. Upload the newly edited resource file under Signing Resource File:
  • If it's new, select the Upload button.
    • If it's replacing the old one, select Replace from the vertical ellipses menu.

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😡 been fobbed off continually by your company and I will take it to the media if this is not corrected!! physical private home addresses are at stake here!! Disgusting !
