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Is there a way to set the font for fields that auto populate on an added field? I use zipforms to bridge most documents to docusign and it/DS defaults to Lucida Console for Dates and other input fields and I want to be in Arial. 


Yes, it is possible to set a default font for your account.

Please see this Docusign Support article on how to set it up.

What if I’m not an administrator on the account? Is it configurable for an individual user? If not, it needs to be.


Unfortunately, this is an account-wide setting that can only be changed by a Docusign Administrator for the entire account. It is not configurable at an individual user level. If you are not a Docusign Administrator you can only reach out to one of the Docusign Administrators in your account and ask them to change the setting for you.

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Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
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