Hello! Yes, we can support this with a little prep work. First, click on your initials/picture in the upper right hand corner of eSignature and select Manage Profile. In the Manage Profile area, you will see a heading on the left labeled Signatures where you can create/maintain multiple signatures. Create a new Signature with a slightly different name from the existing where you include the Title.
Once this is complete, when you sign documents the system will initially choose the default Signature. However, you can click on that signature in the signing ceremony and choose Change to select your other signature for that envelope.
Here is a FAQ on changing signatures, as well: https://support.docusign.com/s/document-item?language=en_US&bundleId=yca1573855023892&topicId=mrs1573855013078.html&_LANG=enus
I hope this helps guide you successfully and wish you an excellent day!
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