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I use eSignature today, how is IAM different from what I receive today?

Docusign IAM for Sales immediately extends the capabilities of standard eSignature.

Here are a few examples:
Multi-Channel Delivery: Uses various communication platforms—such as email, SMS, and WhatsApp to send documents to recipients quickly and securely.
Doc Gen for eSignature: Allows users to input information and dynamically generate documents from a Word template to send for signature within the eSignature sending workflow.
Advanced Workflows: A set of workflow automations where users can use conditional routing, set up signing groups, assign signing order, share access to envelopes, add supplemental documents, BCC recipients and more.
Expanded Branding: Add multiple brand logos and custom colors to agreements (up to 5).
Payments: Accept one-time or recurring payments in your agreements with verified payment gateways.

Click here to learn more about IAM for sales.

Hi All, 


I just want to chime in about one very powerful component of IAM for Sales and how it compares to eSignature - Docusign Maestro. 


With it, you're able to create complex workflows that wouldn't be possible with eSignature. In eSignature, the envelope is the main actor, but with Maestro, the envelope is just 1 step in the overall workflow. For example, you can have a Web Form → Identity Verification → Collect Data From an ID → Branching Rule → Envelope → Data Verification → Write Documents/Data to Cloud Storage. That’s just 1 simplified example, but the possibilities are endless. 


Here are a few key features:


Variables - You can create variables to inject, capture, or pass data during a workflow. Data is no longer limited to a single envelope, as variables allow you to have data live at a more global level.


Branching rules - With an eSignature envelope, it's typically a straight line. You send it out, it goes through the routing order, and the envelope is complete. However, with Maestro, you can create branching rules, and based on data collected during the workflow, you can have participants go down various paths, invite additional participants, present different documents, etc.


App Center - You're able to install third-party applications into your Maestro workflows, allowing you to trigger automated processes with technologies your company already uses.


Check it out here! → Docusign Maestro
