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Hi everyone,

I’ve been using Docusign without pb for couple of years, without changing our way to using it : we have a few global templates saved, that we personnalize for each customer through fields filling before sending them (for ex, a general renting contract, with the rental period not filled in advance but with a field to fill in by us before sending to customer).

But today, as I wanted to personnalize some fields of a contract for a customer, I can’t do it anymore : the option “review” that allowed us to fill in  fields before sending isn’t available anymore, I can only SEND or SEND LATER.

Advanced options and advanced edit don’t allow any editing.

Thank you for your help !


(image removed due to personal information on it)

Hello @SadryMokxa ,

Welcome to the Docusign Community and thank you for posting your concerns!

If you click Advanced Edit > Next are you not taking to the field section? If it does, are you able to double click the fields that need filling or when clicking on them, are you able to fill the information on the “Add Text” section?

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
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