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What's Your Win This Week?

  • 28 June 2024
  • 4 replies

Hey everyone 👋 Leah here. I joined Docusign a few weeks ago as a Community content manager. That means my job is to bring you content that helps you level-up in agreement management and get more out of Docusign. Please feel free to reach out if you have content ideas you’d like to share with me! 

I thought it’d be fun to start a casual “Weekly Win” post on Fridays. What’s a win you had this week with Docusign or in your agreement management work?

Maybe used Docusign in your personal life to hit a milestone, like signing up for a bucket list trip or buying a house (!!) or maybe you streamlined a complex contract process at work, saved time with a new template, or discovered a handy feature you hadn't used before. Whatever it is, big or small, we'd love to celebrate your success!🎉

And since I’m posting this on Friday afternoon, no sweat if you see this early next week and want to chime in then—this is just for fun 😊

4 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +13


Absolutely, Leah! 🎉 Welcome to the DocuSign community! It's fantastic to have you onboard as the Community content manager. Your initiative with the "Weekly Win" post is such a great idea to celebrate successes together.

This week, I successfully set up Postman to leverage DocuSign's eSign APIs for monitoring and running administration tasks. It's been a game-changer for me in enhancing efficiency and productivity. Looking forward to sharing more wins and insights with you and the community!

Userlevel 3
Badge +3

Oh nice! What kind of admin tasks did you decide to focus on with this approach? 

Userlevel 6
Badge +13


User management (closing users) and bulk purging envelopes.

Userlevel 1
Badge +1

Hi @leah.breen - Newcomer to DocuSign working on our first document to go live shortly, my wins for the week tbh without sounding sucky (lol) is finding the great help available via the DocuSign community and Support Team. It is refreshing to be able to get quick responses to questions and issues.

Happy Thursday :) 
