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Docusign JWT AUthentication


Hello Everyone,

I am getting this error

java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:

when i try to execute

OAuth.OAuthToken token =apiClient.requestJWTUserToken(clientId,userId,scopes,rsaPrivateKey,expiresIn);

please give solution so that i can proceed withe the integration.

Thanks in Advance.

6 replies


Hello @rahulmishra179

Could you share the SDK version?

Thanks in advance,


The package, and RuntimeDelegateImpl, is contained in the jersey client jar. If you are using Maven add the dependency below to your pom.xml file




If not using MAVEN ,please use the link below


Hello @Achille @mikemejcr 

thank you for giving response 

but still this issue is not resolved i am using 

<dependency>   <groupId>com.docusign</groupId>   <artifactId>docusign-esign-java</artifactId>   <version>3.18.0</version></dependency>

and i tried with the 


but still same issue is generating . could you please look into this .

Thanks is advance.


Hi @rahulmishra179 

Replace the code

OAuth.OAuthToken token =apiClient.requestJWTUserToken(clientId,userId,scopes,rsaPrivateKey,expiresIn);


OAuthToken token =apiClient.requestJWTUserToken(clientId,userId,scopes,rsaPrivateKey,expiresIn);


If the problem persist. Try to reference the class name in the code so that he class will be loaded when JVM find the class available in the classpath.

Example: anInstance = null;


hello @Achille.Nisengwe 

I integrated DocuSign java SDK in spring boot project . and its now working fine in my local but when we deploy it on dev server with the same jar its not working on dev server . it is giving error 

 error is: {} 
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:

what could be the issue on dev server i checked on firewall every URL is accessible and also deploy the same jar that present in my local . and the DocuSign integration key and all is same as local and in local its working fine .if possible can you please give the solution. Thanks in advance.


Hi @rahulmishra179,

What command did use the build the jar. Please share the content of the project pom.xml <build>...</build> element.