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Also is it possibly to edit the email view-title for one powerform/template so that in the last email after all participants have signed there would the final email that would read something like, “Your oder is now approved”“Thank you for your order!” or “Your order is now approved” 


Thank you for reaching out here in the DocuSign Community.

I understand you are looking for a way for your recipients that uses your Web Forms to get the completed document at the end and that you would like to edit the email notification for specific PowerForm/Web Forms.

For your recipient to get the completed email notification with the documents, your account admin would need to enable the option "Send completion emails to embedded signers" and disable the option "Suppress emails to embedded signers" under Settings > Signing Settings:

Regarding the email notification, unfortunately, it is not possible to change the wording for a specific PowerForm/Web Form, this would be an all-or-nothing option using our Resource files, you could use a custom email message or a private message, however, it would appear during the signing session:

Note: Some advanced features and options are supported only in certain DocuSign plans. Your account plan might not support some options discussed in this help topic. For more information about which options are available for your account, contact your account administrator. Or, visit our Plans and Pricing web page for more details on the features included with your plan.

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Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator

"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue!


I am still wondering this. I have created nice Web Forms now and they are built on the templates where there is 2 signers, first the customer and the me as only receiving the copy after customer has finished the form. I am confused that when creating the template I can write custom email subject to the 2 signers in the flow, but still the second signer in this case 1 will receive the email with the same subject as I have written in to the first signer in the template and in the web form template editing. Still, I as the 2. signer=receives a copy won't get the email with the subject I have written in the template, so I wonder does this "receives a copy "work at all with the Web forms? In our case it looks like there is no email like that ever received.


Thank you for reaching out here in the DocuSign Community.

I tested the use of a Recieve a Copy on a Web Form and it worked fine, however, if the receives a copy is set as the last recipient they will only get the completed notification which does not come with the added email message or subject. For the first signer, they will only get to see the email message on the signing screen in the electronic signature disclosure acceptance section and the subject if they get an email notification. However, the email subject used for both completed email notifications and the name to which you can find it in DocuSign will be of the first recipient.

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator

"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue!

Hi Community, 


I’m new to here and to the web form feature. 

Wished use case:

  1. Customer needs to sign a document for a particular deal. 
  2. Salesperson trigger an email from Salesforce to provide a link to the customer. The link points to the web form. 
  3. Customer opens the page (web form) and complete with a signature
  4. Salesperson receives a notification email that the document is completed
  5. Completed/signed document gets attached to the relevant Opportunity record in Salesforce, based on the key identifier - deal number

The missing part I’m trying to understand is that, when a web form is signed, who gets the completed/signed document (PDF)? The integration with Salesforce and possibly via DocuSign Connect could be complex which I expect to happen. 
