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Hello everyone!

Public RFPs in the EU often require our offer submissions be signed using XAdES, CAdES or PAdES signatures. When using DocuSign as a normal, typical, subscribed user : what format am I using? Is it one of the 3 ? Or should I purchase additional solutions to be able to sign with one of these 3 formats? I coudn’t find clear information on this on the Help page.
(To clarify : I need to sign the documents that I submit to the RFP, it’s not about signing a document that is submitted to me by someone else. So, how do I sign in XAdES, CAdES or PAdES?)

Thanks for any help!


XAdES, CAdES and PAdES refer to digital signatures, often public RFPs in the EU require a qualified electronic signature (QES).

The standard electronic signature is the default in a DocuSign, which is not a digital signature. You can get digital signatures, including QES from DocuSign as an Add-On. DocuSign digital signatures are based on PAdES.

You can find more information on Digital Signatures here and here.

Thank you @Michael.Rave ! Very clear, the difference between electronic and digital signature wasn’t clear to me, it is now.

Hello @OlivierUpstairs ,

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Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator
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Hi guys, circling back to this. I have same issue and do not know from the above if i need to buy an Add on or not? A french tender, asked for either of the 3 of these formats - I have a full Docusign account, so not sure if I can just use as is? Very confusing. DocuSign digital signatures are based on PAdES therefore can just use? Sorry its important as the tender can be discarded if e-signed incorrectly.  


Just need to know if PAdes is acceptable as is?

Hello @Biotechno100 ,

Welcome to the Docusign Community and thank you for posting your concerns and apologies for the late reply.

With Docusign, as we are only offering PDF format for signed documents, the only format that we provide will be pADES. And yes, it would be something support has to setup on the backend, if you haven’t already I would recommend you contact support: 

pADES = Digital signature applied on a PDF format file

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue!
