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Why do delegates sign as their name?

  • 26 August 2024
  • 2 replies

I understand how to add a delegate> I don’t understand why, when the delegate goes to sign the document, they sign as themselves.   I thought a delegate is for our case where we have an administrative assistant who monitors their manager’s signing workflow.   Why can’t the delegate sign with the manager’s name?

@Paul Kroeger As I have always understood the concept, the Admin Assistant is given the same ability as the Manager in your scenario however historical tracking in my opinion provides the specific person who made the decision. If you brought a legal document into court and there was a Signature that represented the Manager even though the Admin Assistant took the action then I wouldn’t state that there was cause for invalidating the document but it could have consequences if the Manager testified to signing when in fact it was the assistant.  If delegating then there should be a true stated understanding of when and by whom the approval or Signature should occur and a historical record of the true signer. Our delegation is used when individuals have too much work or are away on vacation or leave but there is always the understanding that there may be circumstances where the delegate should not approve and they are taking responsibility and accountability for the action they are taking. Note: I am not a lawyer.

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