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Hello - we would like to send a template of several documents, one of which is the recipient’s banking information. Once the recipient completes the package, I receive an email from Docusign, as you know. What I’m concerned about is that if someone accesses my email fraudulently, they have access to that banking information.

Is is possible to have an access code texted to my phone before I can open that link/attached PDF? I’ve seen something on here about having recipients get a text to access, but the forms are blank at that point; the problem is with the completed forms possibly being accessed by a fraudster.

Any ideas?

Thank you!

Hi @AmyT1234 !

If you are collecting sensitive data from a recipient, such as a credit card number or Social Security number, you may want to conceal it from other recipients in signing, and on the final PDF. While the data is hidden on the PDF, the value is available to the sender when viewing or downloading the envelope form data.

What did you think of this suggestion? If you liked it, check out the two articles below for more details:


However, if you prefer something more robust, you can check the Security Settings section, more specifically Login Requirements. Check the article below for more information: Authentication Settings

Just be a little careful with the settings you choose, as they can affect your internal users and your recipients.


Hi @AmyT1234,


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Alejandro R. | Docusign Community Moderator   

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