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When creating an envelope, is there a way to have all those that are labeled “receive a copy” to view the document before the signer? To clarify, I sent three envelopes that need to be viewed by everyone as well as the original signer. Please help. Thank you. 

@CindyChasm Its all about the Signing Order in the envelope workflow. A few things, Receives a Copy, would not require the Recipient to view the document.  I would recommend the “Needs to View” if you must have the Recipient at least open the envelope.  The “Receives a Copy” will send a notification but it requires no action from the Recipient just a delivery so there is no guarantee the Recipient opens the document.

By using Signing Order you can at least set the Recipients in the order that you want actions to occur so if using either “Receives a Copy” or “Needs to View” if those Recipients are earlier in the Signing Order that means their actions occur first.  As noted “Receives a Copy” requires no action so if there are 3 Recipients set to “Receives a Copy” in Signing Order 4,5,6 then those happen in order and then the Signing Order 8 who might be “Needs to Sign” would be notified of action. Because there is no delay in the example I provided it could mean the Needs to Sign Recipient takes action before the Receives a Copy Recipients ever view the document.  The “Needs to View” delays the envelope until that Recipient has opened the envelope and then moves the action.

Thank you for your response. I changed certain recipients to “needs to view”. Shouldn’t everyone receive and email stating they have a DocuSign to view? So far, nobody has received an email. Just wondering if the signer has to sign, and then everyone will get an email to view? 

@CindyChasm Notifications are sent when the Recipient is responsible for taking action. Review the signing order and the envelope should show the “current” responsible Recipient.  If you go to the envelope and select it, there are envelope details which show the Recipients who have completed actions, current, and waiting.  “Waiting” Recipients would not get a notification until it is their turn to take action.

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