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When I add a note of instruction to a document, do I keep myself as the designated signer, or the recipient? I want the recipient to see the note, but I don’t want it to be on the final document.

@PCole - Can you add a private message to the recipient.   There is not a way to add it to the document, where it would not display on the final document.   The private message will show only for that recipient on the notification email. 

Hi @PCole,


I hope you are doing well.


I would like to confirm if you need further assistance, feel free to let me know and I will gladly help you address the situation as soon as possible.


Best regards,


Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

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I need assistance. If I add a note to a Docusign envelope document and want signers to see it as an instruction, do I keep the note assigned to myself, or the signer? Also, will the note remain ON the document, or will it disappear after all signers have completed the envelope?


It depends where and how you add the note.   If you add it as a Text note and assign it to a signer, it will remain on the document.   Maybe a best option would be to add Tooltips to your fields if you want to guide your signers.  A tooltip is a helpful tip or hint that appears when a signer moves their mouse cursor over a field. It provides guidance or additional information about that field, which can be very useful to ensure the signer understands what is needed.

@JohnSantos THAT’S a great tip...thank YOU!
