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My grandmother is being told that everything will be taken care of, can anyone use her signature provided they know her information or is there another way to use docusign.

Technically, anyone who has access to the envelope notification email could sign as your family member if they are not required to have an account for the envelope.  From a security standpoint, this is not something I would recommend.  Placing your signature on a agreement has legal implications and it is only the responsible party defined as the recipient who should complete the signing ceremony.

It is also possible to self-sign a document if your family member signs up for a DocuSign account.  That way they can securely sign easily and then submit the signed contract to the appropriate party.

Hopefully this helps guide you on your inquiry!  Have an excellent day!

Hi @Khaos198,


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Alejandro R. | Docusign Community Moderator   

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