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Hello everyone,


I require some assistance with signing a document. I've received the contract from my new employer, but before I can proceed, I need to verify my identity. Unfortunately, my country isn't listed under the National ID options.

I only possess a National ID card, as I don't have a passport or require a Residence permit. Additionally, there was another requirement mentioned, but I can't recall it. However, I believe it's unnecessary since I am a native of Romania. 

Could you please advise me on how to verify my identity given that Romania doesn't appear on the National ID list? My employer's response time is lengthy, so I'm seeking alternative solutions.

Furthermore, upon checking the website, it indicated that the National ID from Romania is accepted.

Thank you all in advance for your help.

Hello, @Stef 

On this link you can see all the Accepted IDs by country, as you wrote, Albania is part of the list, however you can see the accepted Document accordingly the ID verifications requeste by the envelope’s sender.


So something to you ask to the Envelope’s Send is: What IDV verification he requested and if he used one of the accepted ones for Albania.
Would be possible to him correct the envelope then request a ID Verification valid in Albania for a Document that you have, for example, a Drivers license or Passport.

A summary of the the IDs acceptance for Romania.

List of Accepted ID Documents for QES In-Person ID Check and AES (LCP) ID Check

Country/Region Accepted ID Documents



List of Countries and IDs Eligible for ID Verification (simple and advanced signatures, eIDs and smartcards)

Country/Region Eligible ID
Albania Passport.


List of IDs eligible for use with ID Verification with Livenesse in Europe

Country/Region Eligible ID Albania Driver's license

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