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I am the system admin for our account. All of the templates in use have been created by me over the years. This morning I created a new template, first from a word document, and then from that same word document converted to a PDF file. The result was the same, when either I or our users try to access the template we get an error: “Unable to create the envelope”.  Has anyone else experienced this? How do we solve it? Any idea what causes it? I created another template this morning using a different file with no issues. Thanks!



@GEdwards Curious if you replace the current document with a plain text file if the issue/error persists?  The items in the past that I have noted causing that error have been varied, specifically the Document File Size must be under 25MB.  Not sure if this file in its Word or PDF form exceeds that due to the length and possible content but check the file size.  Next would be fields that possibly are not valid or have incorrect formulas etc. I always start with a new Template, add a single Recipient, add a single field specifically a Text box and then save and test. trying to narrow down where the issue is present.  I have had issues with Formulas with bad fields inside or with Conditional Recipients that were not valid.


Hi @GEdwards,


I hope you are doing well.


I would like to confirm if you need further assistance, feel free to let me know and I will gladly help you address the situation as soon as possible.


Best regards,


Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

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