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My document indicates "completed," and I have the certificate, but when I open it, the signature is missing. Is it possible for the person to submit it without signing?


(Information removed due to Private information)


How can I solve this situation?



Hello, @Alexis 


You are welcome to the Docusign Community!


In your Certificate of Completion must have a section about the signers informing by signer when they received, viewed, and signed the envelope. Have you checked that?


Also, what type of field was used to the signer? The Sign Here field or the Approve Button? If the Approve button was used then no visible signature will show up in the document, only in the Certificate of Completion. 


I hope that helps!




@Alexis Also note it is possible to set a Signature block field as “optional”.  If you were the Sender and wish to review, I typically copy the envelope, which copies the Recipients and associated fields and check the tagging screen to review setup, then discard. This may help determine how the envelope was created and fields setup.  Secondarily if there was any “conditional” settings that perhaps were set to trigger the Signature block and those conditions were not met, that could be another possibility.

Hello @Alexis ,

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