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Hi, we have some templates that we send out to our clients. There are 3 which are all sent in 1 single document.

Template 1 - is a straightforward client completes and signs.

Template 2 - is a straightforward client completes and signs.

Template 3 - is split into 3 parts. Part 1 is completed by the person creating the envelope with details of the client that we hold on file. (no signature yet). Part 2 is completed by the client, who completes information and signs. Part 3 is then completed with tick boxes and signature by the person who sent out the envelope.


The part 3 is a new addition and since we have added that 3rd person to complete info when we send the templates out in a single envelope. The client gets 2 envelopes, one with the Template 1 and 2 and then another envelope with the Template 3. 

Clients are often missing that last template as they don’t realise there is more than the 1 envelope for them to action. 

Is this how it should work? Or have we done something incorrectly?

Hello @DawnS ,


Thank you for reaching out here in the Docusign Community.


I’m sorry to hear that the sending process is not as expected, I understand you have several templates that need to be filled out in a specific way.


However, to provide you with an accurate answer, can you provide information on the way you expect the templates to be sent?


Let us know if you need further assistance with this.


Best regards,

Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue!

Hi Nathaly, I will try and explain it a little clearer.

I create an envelope and add 3 templates to the single envelope, this envelope is sent to a single person. It sends as a single envelope to the client from my side.


Template 1 - is a 1-page template. The sender adds nothing to this form either before it is sent or when it is returned. The receiver needs to add their name and address in text boxes and then sign the form. 

Template 2 - is a is a 1-page template. The sender adds nothing to this form either before it is sent or when it is returned. The receiver needs to add their name and address in text boxes and then sign the form. 

Template 3 - is a 2-page template.

I as the sender complete section 1 of the form with text information that we hold on file. Sender does not sign this template as this point.

The receiver then checks the information I have added to section 1, adds any relevant information that is incorrect or missing on the form in text boxes and then signs Section 2 it to say that it is true.

I as the original sender then sign that document to confirm I have verified the information by signing Section 3. 


The new issue that we have is that the client receives 2 envelopes and not a single one. The template 1 and 2 which they complete sign and return are in an email, however the template 3 with the additional steps is sent in a separate email and this is being missed by the client as they think that they have signed what they need to and do not realise there is another email for the 3rd form.


This has only started to happen since we added the final signature step on Template 3 of the original sender.


is there a way we can ensure that when we send 1 envelope to a person with the 3 templates that is received by the person as a single envelope with all 3 forms to action and not in 2 emails?




Hello @DawnS ,


Thank you for reaching for clarifying, so the main issue is that the templates are being sent separately instead in one envelopes and due to that, some signers are missing the third template.


  • Can you provide the steps on how you are setting up the envelopes?
  • Are you using an integration to send them?


Let us know if you need further assistance with this.


Best regards,

Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue!

All 3 of them get added to a single envelope. They don’t get sent separately. It shows as a single envelope in my sent envelopes. It is just being received over 2 emails for the person to complete.

Select send envelope, then add template, select the 3 templates and send.

The envelope with all 3 templates is sent as 1 envelope.

The receiver gets 2 emails, the first email contains the templates 1 and 2 (the basic, they complete text info and sign) once they have completed those 2 forms then a 2nd email is received with the final template in it. So, the emails are not even being delivered at the same time.

is there a support number that I can contact to speak this issue through at all?

Hello @DawnS ,


Thank you for reaching back.


Your description of the issue does seem very odd, if you are using an integration it could be that it is not set up correctly but if it is directly on Docusign it would be better to have a screen share session with an agent or to record the issue step by step and provide it on a Customer Support case.


If you are a Docusign administrator, please open a Customer Support case by clicking the link below, and we’ll address your request as soon as possible.  


  1. Select Open a Support Case at the top of the page.
  2. Select the Continue button beneath eSignature, Rooms, and CLM. Note: If you're a DoD customer, select DoD Customer Login.
  3. Log in using your Product credentials (email and password) and select Continue:
    1. The Docusign Support Center requires login credentials for a Production account. The account can be a Trial account, but it must be in a Production environment (i.e., not a Demo or Sandbox environment).
    2. Have issues logging in? Try these troubleshooting steps.
  4. Select a Case Subject. Note: If you have multiple DocuSign accounts, a pop-up will appear. Select an account to continue.
  5. Select any of the resources under ‘Need Answers Fast?’ that address your issue.
  6. If that doesn't answer your question, select the Add Case Details button.          
  7. Complete the case form.


Let us know if you need further assistance with this.


Best regards,

Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue!
