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Good Morning All,

My company uses a number of templates. I am an admin and I have a user that completed a 3 page template. Towards the end of completion this template user received a pop up message asking if she was still working on this document. She clicked YES on the screen, however Docusign kicked her out and sent her directly to the login screen. Once she logged in she could no longer see the template she had been working on. Is there anywhere the Docusign stores documents in limbo in the event of a time out? Can anyone assist me in finding this document? Hoping we don't have to start over from the beginning. Any assistance is greatly appreciated. Is there anything I can do here to assist.


Have you had a chance to locate the template? Make sure the user wasn't actually creating an envelope instead of a template, as they can appear quite similar but are stored in different locations. For example, envelopes have a "Drafts" folder, while templates do not.

If the user did create a template, there should be a version of it saved. As an admin, you can verify this by performing an advanced search under the "Templates" section, using the user’s name or email address.
