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I am attempting to add a second document for signing to an envelope. I made a template for this second document that has all the fields I need. I add this document and use Choose Template from the Upload drop-down menu. But when I add it, it just gives me the original blank pdf, with no fields. Where did they go? What am I doing wrong?

Hi @bevett1964 !

Basing only in your text, unfortunately, it’s not possible to say exactly the cause of this issue. Some possibilities for this:

  • the created template did not save the fields correctly;
  • the template created has Anchor Tabs that have no reference to the document you are trying to sync;
  • the recipient's role may be incompatible and this may cause problems to sync;
  • the document you are using to apply the template has fewer pages than your template (and the tabs are only on the last pages).

What I would suggest here would be to use the Apply Templates option (as you are using), but based on a similar document to use Automatic Document Matching. I will provide some resources below and I hope they can help you!

  1. Some quick articles about this topic:
    Apply Templates Manually
    Apply a Template Using Automatic Template Matching
  2. Some videos about this topic:
    Full gallery about Video DocuSign eSignature Templates
    How to Set Template Matching Behavior
  3. A free live webinar about this topic, and you’ll be able to interact with a Trainer:
    Template Creation Basics

Hello @bevett1964 ,

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Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator
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