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Hi, I received 4 signature request continuously, but ‘stay sign in’ checking is not working.

Please let me know how can I reduce number of putting account. 



Hello @User1 ,

Thank you for reaching out here in the DocuSign Community.


I’m sorry to hear that the system requires you to sign in each time you want to sign a document, I understand you check the “Stay Signed In” but still is required to log in.


To better assist you, can you provide more information?


Is this for all envelopes?


Are all the envelopes sent by the same person or the same account?


Do you have an automatic clear cache on in your browser?


Let us know if you need further assistance with this.


Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator
"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue!

Dear @nathaly.monge , 


Thanks for your comment. 

Is this for all envelopes? → Yes, although I check “Stay Signed In,” I have to enter lD / Password for every envelope.

Are all the envelopes sent by the same person or the same account? → No, I had same experience when several person / account sent the envelopes. 

Do you have an automatic clear cache on in your browser? → I checked my Edge setting, it is not. 


This could be related to either your internal account settings or the settings of the external sending account, which was set by Admins of the specific account, There are various ways in DocuSign eSignature to configure when and how often a user is required to log into their DocuSign account to sign something. This will be even more strict if those envelopes are sent from an account with the CFR Part 11 module.

This may result in you having to re-authenticate even if you selected “Stay Signed In”. As you explain that you have this experience with different person / accounts sending the envelope, it sounds like an setting related to your DocuSign account. Try speaking to your DocuSign Admin if this is the required/desired behaviour and if not, they may change the security settings and login requirements.

The following is a screenshot of the Security Settings related to Recipient Authentication:


If you are using Single Sign On (SSO) for DocuSign eSignature there are additional settings that can be configured on either the DocuSign side or the your side in the Identity provider.

Hello @User1 ,


@Michael.Rave is correct, it could be due to the settings he mentions, also, does this happen in other browsers? if yes than it could be definitely the account settings in which I recommend you ask the sending account if the above is correct.

Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator
"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue!
