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My role is to review and approve all documents and forward to president with recommendation for signature.  I cannot tell whether my attempt to approve will result in me unintentionally signing the document.  Docusign seems based on simplistic idea “Click here, and you’re all done!”  The real world is more complicated.

@jhurley56 As a Recipient set as “Needs to Sign” this really means take any action assigned to your Recipient which could be something as simple as a Text field or a dropdown.  For approval I would recommend having a “Yes/No” set of Radio Buttons or even an Initials indicating approval.  There is also a set of buttons for Approve / Decline which can be added onto a document, which allow you to either advance the envelope (Approve) or void the envelope (Decline).

There are also features such as Conditional Routing, which can add Recipients (such as the president) if you as a Recipient makes certain choices on the envelope document fields.

I am recipient of an envelope created by another firm requesting that we sign their document.  I cannot modify their document or envelope, and I cannot tell how they’ve set it up or what will result from my clicks.  I had to phone the sender and quiz them about this before taking a chance on clicking my boxes.

Hi @jhurley56,


I hope you are doing well.


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Best regards,   

Alejandro R. | Docusign Community Moderator   

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