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I want to explore the oportunity to add signing with deadlines connected so that if first signer is offline and can’t sign, then after X time the envelope will go to second signer and so on according to set list 

But I don’t want the envelope to go to second signer if the first one is available and does sign it 




There is no such functionality in Docusign eSignature so change a signer after X time to a different signer.

However, you could manually do this approach if that is how you want to operate as a business. This would mean to correct an envelope manually or leverage our Docusign eSignature API to automate the process. The logic to do the changes, e.g. timing and list of recipients would be managed outside of Docusign.

Docusign eSignature has the concept of Signing Groups which could be used in your use case, but every signer in the group will receive a notification. 

Hello @Anton.k.Eriksson ,

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Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
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