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Hi, a signer has chosen to print and fax documents as I can see “fax pending” alongside their name in the list of signers. All signers have to sign electronically so will this particular signer be able to cancel the printing and faxing option he has chosen and then electronically sign instead? What’s the best way to deal with this/fix it? Thanks.

Hello, @LindyJM 


Welcome to the Docusign Community!


To prevent a recipient to use the Fax option you should set that in your account settings.


Also, you can disable the option Sign on paper to prevent recipients use the option to download and sign offline.


To cancel, read this article, especially the item 7:


I hope that helps!


Thanks for your help Alexandre. The signer has now signed the documents electronically so he was obviously able to change back to that option from the fax option.
