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What signer role would be able to see where each signer supposed to signs?  Ideally in our office we would like to have it like this.  


I fill out the forms and tab the signatures for whoever has to sign.  

Then our office manager would review the document to see if any errors and any errors on who is to sign and where they are supposed to sign.

Then the document comes back to me if she sees that changes are needed

Then once the document is updated, send it to the client.  


Not sure if there is a workflow for that or if there is any easier way to do it.  Any help would be appreciated.



The Recipient Role of “Allow to Edit” provides the Recipient with the same allowances on the envelope as the Sender which is to add/subtract Recipients, fields, documents etc. So as the Sender you always have the ability to correct the envelope and review the field setup, but you may want to add yourself into the workflow just to make sure after sending to the Office Manager that you review any changes. I would suggest enabling envelope comments so you can have the OF add comments on changes and vice versa.  Then if you start the envelope (Sender), send to the OF who edits and then goes back to you for review as either “Needs to View” or “Needs to Sign” or “Allow to Edit” so you can correct any corrections. I would suggest a less complicated process in which you start the envelope, goes to the office manager and then you get a “Receives a Copy” notification after the OF is done so you can, as the Sender, check the work. Then if no changes you allow the envelope to continue or correct if there is a mistake.

I have a Docusign login, and my office manager has a Docusign login but from another company.  Do you know if she would be allowed to “Allow to Edit” a document? I tried to send it to her, but the document came skewed.  I was wondering if it was because her Docusign account is not the same as my company one, and if there is a workaround to that.  


Thanks in advance!

Per DocuSign article “This manager type requires a DocuSign account, but the manager is not assigned any fields.”.  Based on this as long as the Recipient assigned this Recipient Type has a DocuSign account they can make corrections as “Allow to Edit”. You mentioned the document is skewed but could you provide more details on what that means or provide a screenshot?

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