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hi all!  I have a simple word doc that I want to send to 50 people in my contacts.  I need them to sign it, so I’m making the signature name required.  Can I apply this to all recipients and send ?  Or do I need to go 1 by 1 through the recipients?


If it is available to you, use the Bulk Send feature.  The Bulk Send feature in DocuSign allows users to send the same document or set of documents to multiple recipients simultaneously. This is particularly useful when you need to distribute contracts, agreements, or other forms to a large group of people without manually sending each one individually.

Thanks @JohnSantos !  Yes I’ve explored that option.  I have DS Sender access but not the ability to create templates.  My IT admin is trying to figure it out.


Indeed, your DocuSign administrator has the capability to duplicate the DS Sender permission profile, enabling features such as bulk sending and template creation, and then assign this profile to you.

Hello @steve47 ,

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Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
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