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I have a link stored on opportunity in a field the link would be unique for each opportunity. I want to send this link to customers on which they can click and go the link.

@amit.yadav Here is a DocuSign article that guides you through creating a DocuSign text field that could be added to a DocuSign envelope onto a document to be clickable hyperlink.

Thanks David, but this is for static links, but in my case the link will be unique for each customer.

@amit.yadav I know of no other option especially if the URL is dynamic.  You could save the text field as a Custom Field, drop it and then edit the details of the URL before sending. Perhaps other ideas or options will be added by other Community members.

David, Can I make the url clickable(hyperlink) while sending? I will get the link as text which user can copy and use. But it can be made hyperlink that would be easy for user to click and go to the link.


David, Can I make the url clickable(hyperlink) while sending? I will get the link as text which user can copy and use. But it can be made hyperlink that would be easy for user to click and go to the link.


Unfortunately, this is not possible during signing. The link will be clickable in the final PDF, if it was clickable before, but it will not be clickable during the signing ceremony. David posted the right information on how to create a URL, which can be access during signing in DocuSign eSignature.

Updating the value automatically for each envelope to incorporate a dynamic link would require you to leverage the DocuSign eSignature API to create the envelope and provide the link as part of the payload.

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