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I selected a signature for DocuSign and it worked for several documents, but now it appears scrunched and messy.  I deleted the selection and added a different one, but the issue persists. Any ideas?

@Rachel Lindon If the Signature worked before for several other envelopes, then the possibility exists that this issue stems from this particular envelope.  I have seen documents scanned and then added to envelopes which creates some poor quality scanned images and hence affects fields added to the document envelope. To test this i suggest creating your own envelope and sending it to yourself with a Word doc or PDF that you create and save rather then any scanned image to see if this might be the issue.  The only resolution if this test proves true is to have the document re-scanned at a better resolution and a new envelope created.

Thank you for the response. Unfortunately, it has happened in at least 3 different envelopes and they are created from PDFs on my desktop rather than scanned documents.  Other people’s signatures look fine. Mine is the only one with the issue.

@Rachel Lindon My last suggestion before I think a DocuSign Support case would be the best option is for you to go into the Profile picture options in the upper right of DocuSign, go to Manage Profile and then select Signatures.  Check for the Signatures present and if one looks of poor quality, delete it and try to create a new one.

I have already tried this suggestion prior to making the post. I agree that a support case sounds like a good option. I’m not sure how to open a DocuSign support case. Could you advise?

@Rachel Lindon Use the following link, there should be a “login” option and there will be a Get Support > Open a Support Case option available.

Hi @Rachel Lindon,


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Alejandro R. | DocuSign Community Moderator   


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