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Hello All, 

I have a client that is using a central team to disperse envelopes to be signed by end-users.  The client does not want to give Admin level permissions to an entire team (10+ people) b/c the admin level permission opens up access to other areas of their DS account.  

Is there a permission (either in a setting or an API) that would allow a DS user to be able to create an envelope, share it to another DS user who can then open it in Edit/signing mode for an end-user to sign?  Then the signed document and the envelope would be sent back to the original DS user for confirmation.

@InvoSolutions - You can create a custom permission profile with additional privileges.  You can start with a DS Sender permission profile and customize the permissions as needed.


Thank you so much for your response.

I am having a hard time finding documentation around those additional permissions.

Can I set up a USE permission for user 1 to where they can edit an envelope that is already created?  Does that envelope need to be Shared with user 1? 


Thank you!

Also….is there a way for an envelope to have multiple owners with different permission levels?


Thank you so much for your response.

I am having a hard time finding documentation around those additional permissions.

Can I set up a USE permission for user 1 to where they can edit an envelope that is already created?  Does that envelope need to be Shared with user 1? 


Thank you!

Here’s addition information about the permission profile. Permission Profile Options (  

Yes, to edit the envelope in progress, you will need to add shared access to the original user that sent the envelope.

Also….is there a way for an envelope to have multiple owners with different permission levels?


Yes, you can share an user's envelopes with multiple users with one of the 3 permission levels:


Thank you! 

Would that organization/admin would need to manually do this every time they create an envelope, in order to share it with User 1 and they have the appropriate permissions?


Could the org setup 10+ users with the same set of permissions and when an envelope is created in this org it is automatically shared with the 10+ users and they can edit, send, receive, etc?

@InvoSolutions - Yes, you would set up your 10+ users with the appropriate shared permissions once.   Every time this user creates an envelope, all 10+ users can manage the envelope.  The sharing happens at the user level.    

Hello @InvoSolutions ,

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